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We bring life back to soils through Holistic Management in Livestock Production.


At Suelos Vivos we understand regenerative livestock farming as a way to provide solutions to the current challenges faced by humanity and the planet.


We are a grassroots movement that brings together technicians and farmers who want to work with a new perspective; learning to unlearn and observing and imitating nature to transform livestock systems into a solution.

By applying Holistic Management on our livestock and farms, we contribute to reestablish natural cycles and capture carbon into the soil. Thus restoring our healthy relationship with the ecosystems, while achieving a more efficient and profitable production.


With healthy, living soils we ensure the wellbeing of our lands and of future generations who wish to keep the legacy of our farms alive. 

Our  Values


Transforming the

livestock paradigm

We focus on creating the conditions for life to thrive, facilitating natural processes to continually restore themselves in order to maintain and strengthen the web of life. 

Holistic Mentality

Our thinking and acting

is holistic

We think of nature as a whole. We take into account complexity and interconnections in our decision making, thus working in harmony and collaboration with our context.


We rely on science and we verify

the information.

We make decisions based on rigorous research, continuous monitoring and key indicators to ensure that holistic processes actually bring us closer to our economic and ecological goals.


We redesign to


We keep an open mind towards experimentation and new ideas; honoring the inherited knowledge while adapting to the current context and circumstances. 


We honor the land and the people

who work it.

We honor rural life, the people and the land. We learn from our mistakes, celebrate our accomplishments and give thanks for the possibility of working close to our soils. 

Suelos Vivos is one of the projects of Costa Rica Regenerativa, an initiative of the University for International Cooperation (UCI). 

UCI has been working for more than 25 years to promote regenerative development through education and outreach programs. 

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Our Team

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We are the Costa Rican hub of the Savory Institute.

The Savory Network is a global network that seeks to reverse desertification and respond to climate change through regenerative livestock farming. 
The Savory Institute specializes in Holistic Management, a management framework developed by Allan Savory. The implementation of Holistic Management in livestock production allows doubling the profitability of a farm and recovering the ecosystem through pasture regeneration.


Tierra de jardín

"Ultimately, the only wealth that can sustain any community, economy or nation is derived from the photosynthetic process: green plants growing in regenerating soil."

- Allan Savory -

Founder and President 

of Savory Institute

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Suelos Vivos is an initiative of the University for International Cooperation.​



Fernanda Pía Madrigal

Suelos Vivos Director


Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional, Avenida 15, calle 35, Barrio Escalante,
San José 10101, Costa Rica.

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